Date : 29 August, Sat
Time : 4pm – 9pm
Location : Artspace Boan1942 (way to come)

일시 : 8월 29일 토요일
시간 : 오후 4시-9시
장소 : 보안여관 (오시는 길)

인터넷 블랙마켓은 일본의 뉴미디어 아티스트 ‘엑소니모’를 주축으로 한 ‘100년의 역사를 자랑하는 비밀 결사 조직’ idpw’이 2012년부터 시작한 행사입니다. 이번에는 ‘월드와이드 인터넷 블랙마켓 위크’ 라는 이름으로 5개 도시(서울,뉴욕,린츠, 타이창, 상파울로)에서 동시 다발로 진행됩니다.

월드와이드 인터넷 블랙 마켓 위크 2015
World Wide Internet Yami-ichi Weeks

상파울로(Centro Aberto 8/22,23)
서울 (보안여관 Artspace Boan 8/29)
타이창 (National Museum of Taiwan 8/29)
린츠 (Ars Electronica 9/5)
뉴욕(knock center 9/12 )

관련 사이트

월드와이드 인터넷 블랙 마켓 위크 2015

organized by
프로토룸 & 청개구리제작소

supported by
Artspace Boan 1942


S*%t happens. Didn’t used to. Like when some small off-handed private comment turns into an SNS flame war. Or worrying about not getting enough “Likes”. The Youtube videos you can’t watch anymore because somebody complained. Or the apps you can’t play because they were rejected by Apple. Once upon a time, the Internet was supposed to be a place for “liberty”. Nowadays it’s so uptight.

So let’s turn off, log-out, and drop in, on the real world. The Internet Yami-Ichi is a flea market for “browsing” face-to-face.
Take your own Internet liberties* here, with us.

* But no dangerous or illegal goods, please! This black market wants to remain free and useful!

지금 시대의 자연이자 삶이 되어 가는 인터넷의 의미를 다르게 묻는 사물과 개념, 행위를 판매하는 시장, 인터넷 블랙 마켓이 오는 토요일(29일) 보안여관에서 열립니다. 미디어 작가, 활동가, 디자이너, 인문학자, 영상작가, 개발자, 제작자,사운드 작가, 건축가 등 25팀, 42명의 작업자들이 참여해 인터넷을 주제로 한 유형,무형의 사물들을 판매하고, 만들고, 퍼포먼스를 벌입니다. 풍자와 블랙 유머의 암시장 인터넷 블랙 마켓에 놀러오세요

자세한 내용은 이 링크를 확인하시기 바랍니다.
인터넷 블랙 마켓 서울

오프닝 퍼포먼스
일렉트로닉 굿 : 후니다 김 & 신원정


참가팀 및 작업명
김미영 팀장님(이상미, 윤혜정,윤창환) : 정보는 힘이다
김진원 : 키키그라피
뉴상준 : 쓰레기 쇼크
다이애나밴드(신원정, 이두호) : 잡화대여소
땡땡이 공작 (한보람, 장재원, 물고기) : 혐오 칵테일
릴리쿰 (정혜린, 선윤아) : 인터넷 약장수
문승용 : Hacked
따따따쩜빵(박영대, 강윤희), : 고민해결 솔루션 & RIP IE 컵케이크
배민경 : 허술 망원경 체험
벌레벌레 출판사 (기어가는씨, 벌레C, 벌레J) : URL zine
서울 익스프레스 (전유진, 홍민기) : 종북 좌파 식별 장치
세원이랑친구랑 (안세원,친구): Chingooooooooo
써커스여인 & 김나래 : 사랑의 묘약 처방소
원인호 :
이태호 : 개발자 커피
임태훈 A.K.A 임테리오 훈꿍스 : 80년대 풍 컴퓨터 오덕후의 텐트
전석환 : 사이버 비방질
차재 : selpee
터무니상조회 (박고운, 이지은, 여지 스튜디오, 디디고고) : 인터넷 터무니 상점
황동욱 : 하늘을 찍어드립니다_ jpg to stl
FAB COOP (송수연, 최빛나) : Not found 404
IDPW (와타나베 토모야) : 돌
PROTOROOM (김승범, 후니다김) : 로딩 아이콘과 인터넷 부적
VJ youngshin : 질문을 사세요!

So you want to organize an
Internet Yami-Ichi

Whenever you feel like taking a break from all of the gorgeous “#lunch” pics cluttering your timeline (whatever, dude, you’re giving me gas) go ahead, shut down your browser, and start up an Internet Yami-Ichi. Here’s the IDPW recipe for connecting with the smartest and most interesting people around you.

➫ Imagine a flea market for buying and selling internet-ish stuff.
Internet Yami-ichi are events where Internet-ish goods and services materialize in real space. It’s up to you to interpret the “-ish” part. For organizers: our experience is this works best if you keep a loose definition of what constitutes “internet-ish”. Pepperoni pizza slices? Totally up to you.

➫ The Internet Yami-Ichi is a play on the Japanese phrase for “black market”, but it’s not about illegal stuff.
Participants: Our Yami-ichi wants, like information, to remain free and useful. Stuff which endangers some can ruin it for all. “Browsing” face-to-face is at its most awesome when everybody enables inspiring (not offensive, or dangerous) goods and services.

➫ Charge vendors at little as possible (while still breaking even)
Call it economy, call it ecology, the more organizers charge vendors to participate the more vendors have to charge to break-even, and the more the whole project risks feeling commercialized. The best thing about this event is people trading in completely improbable stuff. You win, as an organizer, when vendors start selling experimental things which would never fly at a normal flea market. Of course you need to charge something so you’re not everybody’s sponsor, because that’s awkward too. Anyway, important thing is to hit that virtuous cycle where things get interesting. Wanna get rich? Find something else.

➫ Set up a web site.
If you want to avoid have to print and distribute 1,000 flyers, make a web page to tell the world about your Black Market. Who knows if anybody sees it of course. And please remember to use the official Internet Yami-Ichi logo, and add a link to the global site (

⇣ Download Yami-ichi Logo

➫ Share your memory.
Everything sold at the Black Market is a testament to human culture, treasures, and we’re interested in knowing about them. We would love you to take photos of each and every good and service. Share other information too, such as number of attendees, customer response, whatever. Even better if you have videos. You do? Please post them on the web!

➫ Watch this video at least twice.
(on the second time through, we’ll excuse you if you have to get up and check how your new tofu roast beef recipe you found over the weekend is going)

Got it? Let’s get going then! Wait, hold on. Before you do that, would you mind contacting us?

Mommy needs to know when the party’s on to bake you one of her famous cakes!