건축의 소멸
[보안여관]에서 [소록도]를 생각한다
소록도 [2차 세미나] 안내
2017.10.26(목) 오후3시[보안여관]
① 조성룡+성균건축도시설계원 :
[리뷰] 소록도와 녹동항
② 강영조(동아대, 경관공학) :
1940년 소록도의 풍경-소록도 갱생연보에 나타난 근대 소록도 풍경
③ 조인숙(다리건축, 문화재 보존) :
소록도의 유산적 가치
Sorokdo carries a symbolic and powerful narrative of a yet untold post-colonial past of Korea. This narrative of Sorokdo’s past still lives in the memory of Hansen’s disease patients and the place in which they have resided and qurantined for the last 101 years. Boan1942 invites professor Cho Sung Ryoung, Sungkyun Architecture Institute, and Sooryusanbang to talk about extinction of Sorokdo’s past through the lens of architecture, history and memory.